The Villain’s Journey in stark contrast to the Hero’s Journey

A manipulative tactic often seen in abusive relationships and sometimes in psychological thrillers or literature. This tactic is a form of coercive control where a person, often a man in positions of power or wealth, orchestrates a scenario in which someone, typically a woman, appears to be in distress. After “rescuing” them, the perpetrator then …


Reliance is the big secret of the modern era, that food can only be made in some places and resources did not belong to the areas they were born. To end reliance on the small scale first we need to end reliance on the ‘big players’ that centralize and devalue the work put into making …

Translation Security

‘’Perception is biased against feelings and feelings are guided with knowledge, if RAGE can be directed, reality is up for grabs’’ The side-effects of digital communication and invasive surveillance is the absence of privacy and lies for the entire civilisation. May be combined with a ‘translation’ algorithm that combines algorithms from all social, economic, surveillance …

Theory of Light and Darkness & what Thrives within

In the assumption that all Light is the ‘ultimate’ high-frequency vibration of matter experienced by collisions through spacetime, Darkness is then the absence of the ‘ultimate’ part of the high-frequency due to certain factors in the environment of its Space that negates the spread of Light from these vibrations. Black Holes would then in Theory …