
In a realm beyond the grasp of ordinary mortals, there exists a room, shrouded in mystery and forgotten by time. This enigmatic chamber, known as the Room of Fortunes and Misfortunes, lies hidden in a location unknown to the present and erased from the annals of the past. It is a sanctuary created by the collective Will of all Sentient Beings, a place where the destinies of worlds are woven and unmade. Its purpose is singular: to propel all races forward, regardless of the tribulations they face, and to serve as a beacon for those who seek the path of cultivation.

The Room’s very essence is drawn from the belief that cultivation is neither a mere game nor an endless journey without purpose. It is the quintessence of existence, an eternal quest that defines the progress and evolution of all beings. Within its ancient walls, the library holds knowledge from the time before time, chronicling the first chaos to the last, the lost wisdom of the primordial Aether, and the era of total dominion by ancient beings whose techniques, though immensely powerful, lacked refinement.

It is a chronicle of rebellions against the tyranny of being beneath One and equal to All, and the horrors that the quest for freedom unleashed upon the multiverse. This forgotten chamber is the epicenter of history, a witness to the rise and fall of civilizations, and a custodian of secrets that could alter the fate of the cosmos.

At the heart of this forgotten sanctuary stands Hanna, both its past creator and present inheritor. Her memories of its creation are obscured, leaving her with only the knowledge of her destiny: to unite all her enemies and allies underfoot using her unparalleled medical arts and healing powers. She is a young woman whose journey is just beginning, in a world where the stakes are unimaginably high.