the awakening process was more coming to terms with the fact that esoteric, occult and technological advancements were far beyond what Earth actually shows it to be, and the treatment of peoples within the planet was also not as good as it was supposed to be. Could my highest timeline then potentially have been an evil timeline and my awakening and subsequent access to a myriad of dreams have been a splitting or singularity to allow new branches or trunks of trees of time to form?
i lived in a sense as a hermit that never left his house other then through technology and occasional home-parties that involved alcohol, and after moving out on my own I spent my days traveling through stories and novels about grand and monstrous worlds that increased significantly the ‘scale’ of my thoughts, especially in regards to the esoteric and occult views on extremes in conceptual thought, that seeks to unify opposite concepts by using the opposite to explain the other essentally forming a circle. As I learned from one of these novels i’ve read over the course of 4-5 years that Gods can be powerful with one law but its the antithesis of unifying their opposing laws that grants them Endless King or Eternal Sovereign status essentially creating their own Endless Circle.
I’m then confused as to how my awakening and ‘divergence’ from the potentially highest timeline caused my dreams that i had never seen since I was a small child to return to me after my awakening to the fact that people thought I ‘knew something that I had no knowledge about’.
I was convinced that i was the source of all evils in the world once I awakened.
i went through life believing myself to be mostly alone as the world i grew up in was apparently very different from the world/reality that everyone else around me was living in. but it wasnt before my spiritual awakening that was the discovery of just how alone i really was.
it is said that dreams are portals into different realities or also said dreams are a trial subscription run for death just with no danger.
The era of enlightenment was heavily invested in the knowledge of the mind and spirit and soul and from this came the ability to ‘lucid dream’, which is known to have been a tool used by artists and inventors to create and destroy inside their dreams without any danger.