‘’Perception is biased against feelings and feelings are guided with knowledge, if RAGE can be directed, reality is up for grabs’’
The side-effects of digital communication and invasive surveillance is the absence of privacy and lies for the entire civilisation. May be combined with a ‘translation’ algorithm that combines algorithms from all social, economic, surveillance and behavioral areas into easy to use ‘step-by-step’ instructions on how to cause change in areas which are deemed threatening to the establishment.
Any technology is electricity and signals, while fiberoptics are glass they still pass through digital equipment on each end to make sense of itself. Electricity is then its source and its destination, and only the software and the hardware determines its efficiency. Digital power switches in apartments/houses also turned the entire electrical grid into a large digital network which is constantly monitoring and harvesting information about all electronic devices connected to its local power network and monitors the usage of power in every apartment and house on the grid, it is not unlikely for such technology to also hijack the various signals outside the grid if used there as well.
Information itself has no bias as it is simple fact, but it has been known for long that anyone who has ever landed in arguments that information can be distorted into both truth and lies depending on the presentation evidence. The court of public opinion is a vicious representation of mass-mentality in many cases while also being a necessary foundation of modern society to keep dishonest people honest and honest people safe.
I have found that any subject is possible to translate into several ‘iterations’ of the same story or knowledge by using associations with civilian, military or scientific ideas to translate their meanings into different emotional responses in individuals and masses, this is a part of the tool that criminal organizations like Governments, Corporations and Mercenary Industries use to take away with one hand and commit robbery with another.
Translation of fact into emotion is the foundational information dictating if individuals are immune to psychological conditioning, control and programming. Education and technology makes this job a lot easier for governments to do as each individual characteristic of their uneducated citizens can be studied and tested un-noticed slowly during the course of general education. Using statistical psychology and behavioral science with a 24hr monitoring of all technology use a general outline of their ‘fate’ can be collated in a report. Agencies can use these documents to recruit or watch individuals that may become assets or threats towards the state.
The problems with keeping the data of ‘how’ hidden is that it leaves openings and vulnerabilities in the values that information is supposed to protect, but this is also what allows for a distrustful sense of security to exist. The most prevalent terror acts are ‘Black Swan’ and ‘Grey Terror’.
Grey terror is the most everyday terrible and probability would say it is also the cause of the later horrific Black Swan devastation that is inevitable unless the so-called ‘irrelevant’ Grey Terror is not either prevented or educated about so that communities can protect their homes.
By trying to manipulate the masses and their values openly, instead of seeing dispersion of groups and communities history shows these acts to only weld a stronger bond between groups and countries who have a common goal/enemy. The opposite would also have its negatives where there would be less mental defense in the un-learned towards directed information, and this is where technology and Grey terror together really has room to dim the inner light of citizens in various negative ways.
Grey terror is the gentle nudge of individuals who are either prone to violence, ostracized from their communities or living in areas lacking in infrastructure for learning, work and play and can also easily affect those who seem to ‘have it all’ by targeting their desires in certain ways.
This form of terror uses the very simple oppositional concept of standardized education in their induction and training; teach someone to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.
Governments and corporations ‘brainwash’ certain facts and values into each man and woman about their responsibilities that are needed to live the lives they desire, and the process is nutritional in its foundation.
I’d think every man and woman desires to learn how to fish and not always be given fish for their work, this is likely the end goal of any professional struggle or emotional motivation within any ‘civilized’ society.
Why this is as such is different to each individual, some just crave being free from the constraints of being a customer while others desire to be the fisherman or merchant with all the struggles that co-exist in such a profession and journey.
Simplified, it can also be for the stability and strength of mind this state of being provides to individuals by not having to rely on anyone else for food and necessities, as hope that governance retains stability and reliance on that those above will not devastate their lives is a recipe for failure which is why preparing for the worst is essential.
This structure of no-deletion digital communications and surveillance is the side-effect that the organizations maintaining or creating such infrastructure possess uncanny levels of information, which can be used with nefarious and malevolent intentions. The answer to this was the public release of all information creating a ‘truth’ society where there are no actual secrets to those with the keys (perspectives) to understand the information and apply it to their surroundings. Psychopaths and empaths really shine in this regard in their chosen fields of work, one based purely on logic and benefits and one based purely on emotions and being helpful, both types with their incredible levels of knowledge in either field. Psychopaths though can only emulate often to ridiculous levels the opposite while the Empath can easily learn all the tricks of the psychopath with the necessary training, which is available for learning on the world wide web.
The goal is to create confusion and divide people into categories, victimize and villainize any category that the people don’t fit into. By using this tactic of distortion it leaves a society vulnerable to devilish levels of control and influence on the basis of their emotions and the values held dear in their hearts.
A potential solution to this is to not standardize emotions but to educate about how values create emotions, and when those values within oneself are broken emotions will fluctuate and create cracks in the strongest armor. This is where the environment (social, growth and familiarity) plays a key role in forming and building strong and independent communities that do not give away their natural resources and do not steal the resources of any other community either.
The distortion of truths about ‘what’ a thing, action or being actually is into something that needs to be seen from almost a web of perspectives to make sense about how much they are actually killing and destroying the environments that made them, is really really bad.
In that sense the truth is still being told but not the facts as they are.