There are a few things I would like to make clear, particularly why I have blind faith in the fact that we are not put on this earth to make money, have jobs or neglect our spiritual growth.
Quite roughly, my thought on the matter is that the point of the existence of life in the universe is to pass down the heritage of their civilizations wonderous achievements. The unbiased dissemination of facts gained from reflecting on history and past mistakes, in doing so we help the civilization escape a bit of ignorance, in the name of science. This does not work when we are constantly trying to kill or abuse each other all the time.
My calm state is only maintained by the fact that I can still imagine a world where everything is clear and simple, where there is no fear, no prisons of the mind, where one’s ambitions could be set free to blossom. Not for a capitalistic endeavor, but rather making correct use of what the industrial revolution was all about; making services and goods available to larger groups of people, to increase the spiritual enjoyment, lessen the fear of existence, share happy and loving memories with friends and family and further the growth of society. Industry was never meant to become a system of preying on the weak in the form of unfair wages, using loopholes to avoid paying taxes and not taking care of the working class, but rather was concerted efforts of great minds wanting to increase the standard of living for their peoples.
I must come clean and say I have had the privilege of growing up in a country full of opportunities, Norway. But all those opportunities also dulled me to the true goal of humanity, which is to create, to destroy, to explore and do more than all that came before. One thing that Norway’s system taught me from my perspective, is that the society gives fair wages for services rendered. The companies’ still profit, obviously, but the workers also get the equivalent respect and a proper salary worthy of their struggles, as they are entitled too and can keep a life of hobbies and spiritual pursuits finding a work-life balance. I always had this dream that a society where ‘Big Corporations’ actually stopped lining the pockets of schemers and those unscrupulous ones just wanting to exploit the hard work of the people.
The world I would want to see is the one where the top realizes population count is the real currency. They print as much money as they want, but people cannot be made with the speed of light. They are forged in the systems that they grow and adapt in, so if the system inspires change and provides opportunity, and a just governance and transparency for the sake of keeping balanced and not falling into sides of discrimination and we should try avoiding consciously ruining the adventure called life for others, and just learn to take some time to just admire the freaky coincidences arising from 7b people.
The thing about fair wages which I believe is a minimum of $45/hr is that it does not cost the country a single dime, but would force employers to lessen their personal greed, and in return create a force of making your employees feel valued increasing the quality and threshold of employment, no matter the occupations should be a standard. Come on, big corps, you know as well as anyone that the current system is made to make economic terrorism (yea, I called it as such) and economic pressure on workers just ‘because we can’ does not make for a good argument or any good will towards a clean soul if you even believe in such.
The people of earth are the ones developing this only planet we got for the foreseeable future with their hard work, innovating solutions and their hopes and dreams. Taking the opportunity away, or essentially psychologically exploiting or suppressing people possessing less knowledge is not a great stage. Before the age of information, where news spread faster than lightning, there was the age of lesser men with physical and terrorizing ideals that could just come and take your stuff anytime they wanted. There is a downside to a completely monitored society, but the benefits outweigh the risks, in my own opinion.
The safety granted by knowing that if you live life with a clear conscience, no manner of evil will come and be able to ruin your bubbles of family, friends, work or free time.
The age of information does not allow for cruelty committed in the act of greed; we are all made of greed because society places these mountains of ‘worry & fear’ onto the minds of the exposed. We owe our beautiful little Blue Dot in the cosmos all the care and adapting possible, to not create a zero-sum game where the planet starts a new ice-age and kicks our race out of the cosmic stage even before we were able to develop the galaxy, and eventually spread humans into the entire cosmos. I have faith, hope and a strong belief in the people on a united blue dot. Working together towards a common goal and unifying their will to explore without destroying, to create without expecting, to teach the knowledge of the ancestors indiscriminately to all the peoples of the gorgeous blue dot.
This world we now live in could never have been without the magic of education, it is still a privilege in some parts of the world to be able to read. And many areas have such poor infrastructures and so many small issues, they form a bigger symptom of disease, the disease of lacking in knowledge and the tools needed to greatly improve the quality of life.
I also realize that the logistical nightmare of all the 7b souls trying to escape the chains of destiny for themselves is quite simply impossible, at least on this blue dot, filled with 207 countries (192 free sovereign states). By observing cultures and societal values on this beautiful blue dot and the collection of heritage spanning thousands of years in each one, we can essentially look back in time to societies still in development in stages where other countries have passed the same level of growth earlier. I imagined one day when I had enough capital, that I would go to where opportunity was scarce, form partnerships with the locals and offer help in any way that would benefit them in making life in the lower strata a bit more bearable and sunnier. We should not be judged based on our mistakes nor the unfortunate side effect called human-weakness which bites everyone occasionally- rather the value of a kind action made not for the intention of gain nor profit, but just because there are talents worthy of being given opportunities in every place on this blue dot.
We do not need unrealistic goals but rather just investment in locals willing to learn from societies that have probably faced many of the same problems in their own lines of history, this is where education becomes simply magnificent, the ability to learn from past mistakes (I am having slight issues with this myself, but still true). Countries without proper educational materials and insufficient/failed governance are hotspots filled with souls willing to struggle their all just for a single drop of knowledge from the developed countries.
I believe that some things are just meant to be given away and not hoarded, education is one. Even if there are no health-care systems or safe borders, if they can become smarter and learn new skills at least one would be contributing to the spiritual and educational growth of those in need.
Science is the tool of humanity to make sense of and explain with established facts the existence of all things, phenomena and coincidences (usually patterns). Knowledge is power, this is true, but that depends on the knowledge. Quite simply the act of giving natural science textbooks, history lessons, political education unbiasedly about all trapdoors and pitfalls contained in each branch of governmental ideology, would to a developing country enhance and inspire the minds of the children and widen their horizons to the magnificence of this unbelievable coincidence of life even happening in the first place. And maybe one day they can change their fates and the fate of their countries with access to this treasure trove of innovation and hope.
The People, Constituents or Subjects (for you shady ‘masters’). A democratic republic system of equality and fairness is the backbone of the three beliefs I possess about certain affairs to be governed by a country.
1. A modern developed country should be able to provide a safe environment from any harm, unbiased education free of charge regardless of race or ethnicity, so long as they are a registered citizen of the country and are attempting to find work or otherwise contributing (going to school also counts as contributing). This builds on the simple idea that, while heroes arise in chaos and hard times, innovation arises from pressure and opportunity. A system where the fear of where to find food, and the threat of violence is removed from the daily bag of stresses carried by the working class, the more productive and flourishing the economy will become. Money is just a replacement for services-rendered and wares traded, turned into something quite twisted in this capitalist society. But in truth there is also a system of industrialization, a closed system that requires constant spending and earning to make the various countries’ infrastructure even better and the global economy stronger.
2. Essential services, such as; free and competent legal counsel provided free of charge (especially important IN countries where money can buy you freedom from the effect of law, you know who you are.); basic health services, either free of charge or paid for by using a small amount of the tax on a system that allows those in-between jobs or have other difficult situations life sometimes throws at you, so no one person is not fit to work if they should so desire.; The abolishment of standardized testing, stop making money on the future of the children and in that same regard the world. Education must also keep up with the times, or would you like to be the one to tell an entire generation their education is simply worthless. Do proper exam testing, so children and youths must prepare projects on subjects that might interest them concerning whichever class is in session. Learning is supposed to be fun, and the purpose is to steer kids away from drugs, not towards them. It is quite ugly that education has gotten so… industrialized. Gone are the days of teacher and student forming close bonds, now there is just usually an underpaid teacher standing in front of a chalkboard trying to get the attention of dopamine addicts with an attention span of a goldfish.
3. Political involvement and insight given to youth-parties, where aspiring talents and souls wanting to help their society and country can partake in debates and meet like-minded people. Freedom of choice, freedom to love, living laws and the power of the human heart
Why going to school should be mandatory for children aged 6-18 or if you are homeschooling your children, they probably need someone to talk to each month, perhaps a mental health specialist. To stop home abuse in the freaking cradle.
In a world of perpetual misinformation, violence and discrimination, with cliques and squads, gangs and corruption, with lawmakers and idols who publicize that given the current system there is almost no way to convict those troublemakers and the ones creating discord in society. A Nation of free peoples should provide security and opportunity for growth, they should provide a world where the thought of danger of leaving the house does not even exist in the minds of its people. In our current world we could literally feed 30% more people, but because of overconsumption and a food ‘industry’ a lot of food goes to waste every day, food that could save countless lives. This is because the logistics are still outdated and not done correctly in my view.
Then the need for a haven for children and young adults where their troubles are heard and the darkness they carry either from abuse in their home or from their peers is a necessity. A place where they can share their ideas and expand their minds away from pettiness and greed and learn contentment and community.
A reason why school uniforms are one of the greatest ideas is that it removes the ‘price tag’ you are showing and rather makes you a part of the society you inhabit, because your individuality would blossom without the ‘financial class’ separation if the educational system was set up in such a way that it promotes the love of learning the Liberal arts and the act of learning to teach yourself without having to lose something first, instead of the confusion of memorization to ‘fit in’.
An educational system where the experts of their fields give their wisdom and create and show the paths already trodden so young minds can step off the path and create new ones or expand the paths already taken. I do not agree that a trickle-down economy is outdated and unjust, I just believe that it is unjustly concentrated on the few Instead of the many. If more smaller businesses with certain criteria on both quality and competition rise and fewer monopolies exist this is what the ‘healthy’ competition was meant to be, clear standards on quality to avoid trash quantity ‘monopoly back and forth wars’ the economy would grow from top to bottom, and back down again, because consumers put money in the hands of investors, and investors put money back in the hands of the people to grow more opportunities. The only way to help the economy is putting knowledge in the hands of more people so that they can create jobs and opportunities, which in turn creates more opportunity. The darkest parts of our world are sadly one of the biggest job providers because the system as it currently is does not grow the economy fast enough, leading to inequality and injustice and the need for some to ‘take matters into their own hands’ to support themselves. Basically, forcing them onto a stray path of pain and suffering.
If we look at the whole planet as one nation, there are regions perfectly suited for mass growth of different kinds of food, other areas perfect for industries and some areas that must remain untouched to provide us with the clean air we breathe. The world is currently in a state of chaotic malevolent destructiveness, where our natural resources are not taken care of properly, and in not too long it will probably be too late.
Industry is the backbone of a world of consumption, and our species is best described as a virus or parasite, meaning we must consume, but could there not be a guiding philosophy that makes consumption manageable on the micro scale to still provide opportunity and joy and the ‘dreams’ that systems so beautifully sell to their citizens.
If we as a species had already invented an engine that could travel faster than light speed in space, this perpetual golden age would not just be a dream. Imagine planets just for farms of resources, provided there are no previous inhabitants, in that case learn from star trek, observe and help if necessary; practice non-violence because we are above this lowest form of communication.
A perpetual golden age of humankind is possible if the vast universe is the canvas on which we paint our United picture as one species disregarding the color of skin. A picture that would be remembered by the very core of the cosmos.
The upper class has their politics and schemes, while the lower-to-middle class have their battles for survival, going day by day in wonder of the course that has been set or where the next meal comes from and how crazy politics is.
We quite simply already know that materialistic things do not really matter, but we still all enjoy acquiring stuff. I just kind of believe there is a way this planet could feed all the land-dwellers if some work were put done.