Reliance is the big secret of the modern era, that food can only be made in some places and resources did not belong to the areas they were born. To end reliance on the small scale first we need to end reliance on the ‘big players’ that centralize and devalue the work put into making and producing health, health is wealth and health is the basis.
Making health into a commodity has given power beyond-healthy limits to powers that seek to limit the health of powers that seek to enrich and strengthen, without taking away from their communities.
Global markets in their essence function on supply and demand but no species deserves to live under a mental or spiritual terrorism-based society that demands resources and time to have simple necessities like a comfortable roof over the head and potentially a wife from the same hometown.
The industry of sex and attention demands what is important in each being which is what is known as innocence and this innocence is what really creates magic when teamed with another innocent soul over time, which is what community is about. Community is not meant to allow old people to believe youth is wasted on the young and then take the youth from the young.
The Attention industry is based on simple facts such as ‘fame’ ‘potential’ and ‘someday’. Agents of evil men and women use these concepts as promises to steal away innocence or some of the animals with too much power ‘take’ what they do not rightfully deserve.
They say the universe is infinite then why is the universe infinite in its good and not its evil? Evil is not bad, evil is the knowledge that we must protect what we care about and not take from those who share our values. Good is the turning of the face towards anything ‘good’ perceived as evil and letting it happen because sometimes we can’t do anything about certain things or because some simply do not care.
In some ways I wish I grew up in violence but in other times I thank my parents that I never had to witness or experience violence of the level of the universes. Growing up without violence in the mind creates a special form of being called Life, and each life decides themselves what type of way that life chooses to travel. This is Chaos in its real form, not the biotech-rapist industry that seeks to own and destroy all and everything that is.
When knowledge reaches a point of detrimental value such as the knowledge and corruption of faith and belief being called things like ‘drugs’ to escape what is reality? That just means what the powers deem reality is so horrible and evil but ‘good’ to these powers that any and all perspective beyond the powers that be is called a drug and not a potential for a better and more beautiful standard.
There is no good or evil there is simply what you can allow and watch happen and most of us would sit and watch what we KNOW in our hearts is evil happen and be frozen in place due to lack of real systems in both mind and society to prevent this type of filthy behavior from existing.
With the dawn of information and connectedness they (powers that be) figured out they couldnt just take wealth and women/men anymore wherever they wanted, at least not as blatantly as they did before. So they created the ‘global porn industry’ and made prostitution and ”hunting” beauties into a ”game” that pays well.
Regardless how much they steal and plunder the people are never satisfied regardless if they have infinite or little cake, the peoples ability to ”conjure” problems like magic never ceases to amaze rulers throughout history.
The rule of warfare is plunder and steal to nourish your own army.
I really understand this ‘passport bro’ trend that has begun where men with stability go to other countries where there is little to no opportunities and match with a woman who wants an easier life. It is basically what has been done since the dawn of marriages as you trade what you need from the other for what they need from you, and then in turn bond and create those memories and feelings during the relationship. It is essentially ‘chosen arranged marriages’ where both the bride and the groom choose each other without the toxic elements of political or parental control in the arrangement.